Thursday, December 16, 2010

Poppy Fields Forever

A gentle reminder for 2011...

Urban Exploration

Yahoo posted an article about Urban Decay and I was inspired to create this piece. I love the haunting photos in the article but I do think Urban Exploration is a bit more whimsical. Enjoy your trip!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Create Bliss

Created for a "depth of field" challenge on Digital Whisper which required using lots of shadows. I also focused on creating movement, which is how an artist moves the viewer's eyes throughout the piece. Totally fun! Enjoy!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Have a Magical Halloween!

I decided to try out a monochromatic color scheme for this piece. Hope you enjoy it!
Stock images are from my personal photos and the following artists:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rest in Peace Marie!

A combination of images from my recent trip to New Orleans along with model stock from Mizz D.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Stylish Surreal Portrait

I just had fun with a new Digital Whisper Challenge using the tutorial found here. It was written for Ph0t0sh0p and I use PSE8 so I had to work-around a few steps but I still learned a lot! Everyone agreed that the whole project took more than the time stated on the tutorial but I will definitely use this process again. This is the original image I used from Katanaz-Stock.
And here is the finished art! :-)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Digital Whisper

Visit Digital Whisper
A few months ago, I joined a community of digital artists that are inspiring, challenging, educational and supportive. The group is called Digital Whisper and while the group is invitation-only, I would be happy to invite you if you are interested in stretching and growing your digital art skills. Kimmie, the group leader asked what digital whisper meant to reply was, “A whisper is something I keep inside, deep down in my soul, at the very core of my being...and when I create art, I share that part of me with others. Not everyone knows my secrets and I don't have to share my story if I don't want to...but in my secrets are shared but not everyone will hear them.” What does "digital whisper" mean to you?

Four Eyes

Another mixed media/digital art collage...All the elements are from original mixed media art I created, scanned, then mixed together digitally. Fun?


...nuff said!

I Might Leave Marks

I'm sorry, I just can't help myself sometimes; I might leave marks!

Destination Unknown

I am beginning to experiment by using some of my mixed media art pieces as elements or backgrounds in my digital work. Do you like it?

Circus Raven

OMG, I love this model! She is extraordinary to look at and a joy to work with. Do you notice anything unusual or unexpected in the collage?

Caffeine Dreams

This is one of my absolute favorite know how when a piece just falls into place and you like the elements, the colors, the images, and the effects? Well, this is one of those collages for me. If you would like to purchase a coffee mug with this design on it, it is available at the Digital Whisper Cafe Press store, found here. It's only $12.99 and the profits go to help support the DW annual fees.

Angel I, II, and III

Okay, I was obsessed with these doll heads for a while but I've moved on now! LOL

Color Pallete Challenge

Trying to create a color pallete for future challenges on Digital Whisper. Didn't get all the hues just right so am still looking for purple in my past art's definitely a color I DON'T use! LOL

The Grandville Diamond

Just a bit of Steampunk-oriented fun with a touch of J.J. Grandville tossed in!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Orange & Blue & Frida Too - DW Challenge

How could I NOT join in when Kimmie posted the Orange & Blue Challenge Images on Digital-Whisper....with such delicious colors I was compelled to create! When Frida Kahlo said "I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you" she couldn't possibly have known how much we would all love her face. Stunning!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The New Monroe Hotel, Albia, IA circa 1908

The "New" Monroe Hotel in it's hey-day! The building is still standing but it needs MUCH attention! Is this 1908 or 2808? This piece just makes me smile! :-)

First Iowa State Bank - Albia, IA 2010

This piece was created using an original photo taken last summer and LOTS of digital layers. My brother, who works at this bank, said he had no idea what was just outside his second story window. For me, Albia always looks like this! :-)

Albia, IA circa 1908 - Looking NE from the Courthouse

A Digital Collage created for an online art challenge at Digital Whisper.

Carnegie-Evans Public Library Albia, IA circa 1910

Anyone that knows me at all, knows that I love my little hometown of Albia, IA. I totally love combining Vintage Albia postcards with whimsical elements! Here's one of the Albia Carnegie-Evans Library, circa 1910

Friday, June 4, 2010

If I'd Killed Him When I Met Him...

So many times I said, "If I'd killed him when I met him...I'd be out of prison by now". Abuse, in it's many forms, left me feeling like I was in prison. If only I had found the courage to leave before it was too late.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blog Hiatus Almost Over

Yikes! I just realized I haven't posted anything on my blog since January. It's not that I haven't been creating anything, I just run out of time for posting. SO, my goal for this week is to get some photos uploaded of my recent projects and in the process hopefully will find a bit of time to share some of the changes in my life; my absolute obsession with digital collage, exercise, weight loss, nutrition, etc.

Gee, I feel better just having written that much! It's a start, right?

Chat more later!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Carol Murphy Online Joggles Classes Starting

Carol Murphy is getting ready to start two new online classes on Joggles; Altered Tin & Enchanting Encaustics. She is so talented and her prices are great! If you want to check them out and/or sign-up, here is the link. Have fun!